Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Snail Mail is not dead...yet

In the current world we live in, technology is key. Email, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, instant messaging and texting now are our main forms of communication. It is hard to imagine sometimes what I would do without all those tools. Even my daughter's Kindergarten teacher uses email as her direct line of communication to parents.

It is refreshing to discover that there are still people out there who actually write letters. Yes, in ink and on real paper! Not long ago I stumbled upon a great website called Postcrossing dedicated to nothing else but the art of mailing postcards. It took me a few months to register and take the plunge because I had security concerns with random strangers getting my mailing address. The entire idea behind the site is to send and receive postcards to other registered users from all over the world. The common language is English but besides that there are very few requirements. You cannot get another users address from their profile. The only time you can view a mailing address is when you are ready to send a card. The system will then generate a random recipient for you and display the address. You do no have to put your return address on the postcard either. I am finding this system safe enough to fit into my comfort zone. The user profile section on the site will keep track of the countries you have received and sent cards too. There is even a place to add scans or photos of the postcards to be added to your own personal postcard wall. I sent my first two postcards just weeks ago and have already received four. One from Italy, Canada, Germany and The Netherlands. Every postcard I have received has been a little peek into the senders home country or town. It is a fun way to learn more about the world we live in and places we may never get to visit.

The postcards I have been sending off were created with my own images. I had them custom printed by MOO, a fabulous company and one I cannot say enough nice things about. I have gotten everything from business cards to greeting cards printed by them and they all are wonderful!

So is snail mail dead? Not quite according to Postcrossing users!

Monday, September 27, 2010

On Being an Artist

There is something incredibly fulfilling to be able to create my own art and actually display it on my wall. I have been exploring photography for two years now and for the first time finally felt ready to hang one of my own pieces on my wall. This image was taken only a few weeks ago on a photography workshop retreat I was at. It is by far an instant favorite. Being an artist doesn't mean that everyone has to like this piece or understand it. I created it in just this way because it made me feel. Looking at this photo in my office every day will bring me serenity. I created it for me.