The sign up list is currently full.
Please check back for updates. Thank you!
If you would like to stay up to date on the project and see completed photos, please join the Flickr group.
Please check back for updates. Thank you!
If you would like to stay up to date on the project and see completed photos, please join the Flickr group.
The Blank Slate Project is a traveling journal that will be filled with inspiration, quotes, messages and other art. The project launched January 1, 2011 with hopes of having a full book by 2012. The finished journal will be available online in its entirety when completed.
What are the requirements for signing up? Please only sign up if you agree to be responsible for sending back the journal to me within a reasonable time frame. Pretty, pretty please....
I'm not crafty? Should I even try? There is no need to worry about how creative you may or may not be. Everyone can contribute in their own special way even if it is just writing out a quote on the page.
What can I add to the book? Anything you find uplifting or inspirational. This is a positive project so keep that in mind. Contributions can be as little as adding a favorite quote to writing a poem. Feeling artistic? Great! Attach your favorite photo or sketch a drawing. You can embellish anywhere from 1 to 10 pages in any order in the journal. They don't have to be grouped together.
What about mixed media painting? The pages of these journals are on the thin side. Please use your best judgment when adding markers or paint to the pages. Coat them with gesso or glue to pages together before starting on a heavy project to protect the integrity of the other pages behind them. We wouldn't want anything to bleed over another persons page.
How long can I keep the journal? Please try to finish your pages within 2 weeks.
Can I have the journal sent to me again? If I am running low on names who would like to contribute I may resend the journal to past participants in order to complete the project.
Anything else? Have fun of course! Also please add your name somewhere on the page so we know who to give credit to. By participating you agree for me to photograph and display your work online.
Questions? Please send me an email at celwyss@gmail.com to connect!