Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Artistic Roots

My mom took this picture for me last month and sent it to me when she heard I had started painting again. This is one of the very first paintings I ever did in high school. I do know that when I created this it wasn't original. I must have been trying to find inspiration in another artists work to learn. I couldn't even tell you what artist it was. I took art all 4 years and really to this day do not know why I did not pursue it beyond that point. I think I was lost for quite some time and hopefully am finding my way back to art. I had the most amazing art teacher, Mrs Godwin. She introduced me to the world of paint, color and photography. I literally spend hours in the schools darkroom developing prints. I hadn't really thought about it until recently how much of an artistic life I have had yet never fostered. I say it is time to start discovering those roots again and letting them flourish. All they need is a little care and love to grow again.


  1. Yes, do it! Give yourself permission to play! You have a beautiful mind, and I have no doubt you will create art that will touch others as well as express yourself! I can't wait to see what you discover! :)

  2. That is great Celina, high school is an important and special time. I did not do anything "authentic" in high school. I followed the crowd, straight to "Business Admin" classes my first year in college. All I did was cry. You have a gift, and it shows : ) I'm so glad to have stumbled across you!

  3. I think you are well on your way from what you have shared with us! Like I always say, you definitely inspire me to explore other passions that I have and I am sure you do the same for others. I can't thank you enough for that!

    OH and that painting is awesome, you really do have an amazing talent. I look forward to going on this journey with you.

  4. I love reading stories that involve an inspiring teacher. Lately, I've seen quite a few not-so-inspiring teachers, so hearing stories like this makes me smile.

    I definitely agree--start re-discovering. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  5. What a fabulous piece of art that is... even a copy, I could never do such excellent work! Follow your dreams, let your creativity soar, it will free your soul!


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