Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday Musings

5 things that inspired me last week:
  • Having a full moon intention ceremony with my daughter, Hailee, and hearing her read her "Dear Moon" letter out loud.
  • Reading this post and feeling as though it was calling out right to my heart.
Happy Monday all! May you have an inspirational week filled with love and joy!


  1. wow...
    loved all these links Celina

    thank you!

    Love and Light

  2. Dear beautiful girl,
    Thank-you for your loving support last week. I felt it as I navigated through the darkness. I held your kind loving words close. I am so grateful for your friendship. Thank-you. Love d. xoxo

  3. "Having a full moon intention ceremony with my daughter" - you inspire! i and I am in celebration for both you and Hailee!! that movie started my day off on the right foot! so thank you!! and I cannot wait to watch the other parts. xo


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